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The flag bearer of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo says the NPP government will restructure the education system in the country to boost knowledge I'm the republic.

Mr Akuffo Addo who was speaking at a final rally of his party said education is declining in the Country as parents are unable to pay their wards' school fees.

"My government will build a population of knowledge in Ghana... I will bring back Adult Education to boost knowledge in our adults."

"I will pursue the Free Senior High school so that  parents who cannot afford to pay the fees will be eased."

To him, the bad governance of the NDC has imposed indescribable  hardships which include high  taxes, huge utility bills amongst others, have resulted in parents not able to pay their kids school fees.

"The NDC government has stopped paying the allowances of trainee teachers and nursing students. My government will pay all those allowances if Ghanaians give me the mandate".

The programme themed ‘The Battle is the Lord’s’ has been attended by hundreds of NPP supporters across the country.
The party bigwigs among which include former ministers of state have started arriving.

Former Water Works Minister, Hackman Owusu Agyemang, former Interior Minister, Kwamena Bartels, and former Defence Minister Addo Kufuor are seated at the rally ground.

The others include former Trade Minister, Kofi Konadu Apraku, former Greater Accra Regional Minister, Sheikh I. C. Quaye, and scores of others.

In his speech, the flag bearer said " the president says I am begging Ghanaians to vote for me. He has even said I should stop begging for your votes, but I will not stop. Perhaps he does not understand democracy. "

"My government will not steal your money. My government will make good use of your mandate and develop  Ghana so well that you will get jobs", he urged the loud crowd at the Trade Fair Centre.

He further cautioned the party's supporters to spend some time, on Wednesday to go and cast their ballot for a resounding victory for the party.

Story: Emmanuel Henryson Okrah/ Sikamannews

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