News Headlines

Special Voting: Security officers turned away after names not found for the 2nd time

Sunday’s Special Voting for security officers, journalists and electoral officers seems not to have been insulated from the issues expected to be solved by the extension.

At the Oforikrom Constituency in the Ashanti Region, TV3’s Ibrahim Abubakar reports that five out of six security officers had to return disappointed because their names were not found in the voters’ register.

Most of them, Ibrahim Abubakar reported, had travelled from other regions to the the Constituency to cast their votes.

A total of 605 were expected to vote in the first exercise but only 355 voted.

Two hundred and fifty are, therefore, expected to vote in Sunday’s exercise. So far, only one person, according to Ibrahim Abubakar, has successfully cast his ballot.

At the Adentan Constituency, 3FM’s Ewurama Smith also reports that some officers had to return because their names were not found in the list.

There was also indecision on the part of the Electoral Commission, Ghana (EC) with regard to the list to use.

Two lists of the updated and the original are at their disposal, currently.

Klottey Korle Constituency also experienced the same problem on the part of officers who queued to vote as TV3’s Jason Amoo reports that names of voters were not found in the register.

Some are angry with the EC as they felt hard done by, claiming they had wasted their times to visit the polling centers to vote.

By Emmanuel Kwame Amoh||Ghana

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