News Headlines


The Management of Sky Broadcasting Company (Sky 96.7mhz) has revealed that it is not ready to sell part of the companies shares as was circulated over the weekend.

News was rife on Mainstream and social media that over the weekend that Sky FM,the only  Urban commercial Radio in the Brong Ahafo region had been acquired by Bola Ray's Excellent In Broadslcasting (EIB), and was making it an Akan Speaking radio.

Jingles and printed flyers that depicted the Akan programmes the "New Sky" would broadcast was all over Sunyani and on social media, which  made it believable that the station had indeed  been bought because it started on 31st March.

A popular radio presenter in the region, Kofi Tikesie was heard early Saturday morning on the network hosting "Nnawotwe mu Nsem" a socio- political programme with Kwaku Henryson Okrah, Kwasi Kumi KKB and Kofi Oppong Asamoah as panel members.

Popular musician Kwame Nana Kooko of 'Akrantie bene ne jollof' fame, a supposed new signed presenter, was heard hosting an entertainment programme - 'AgrÉ” Fie'.

Facebook then got inundated with posts and discussions of the news. Friends and some listeners who obviously were in love with the station took to Facebook and Twitter to register their displeasure since Sky FM is the only English- Speaking commercial radio in the region had been turned to an Akan station by its new owners.

That meant flagship programmes  like NEWSFILE and Joy News the station transmitted from its mother station Joy FM was going to be scrapped.

However on Sunday noon when all the on-air presenters had gathered in the studio to meet the would-be managers, of the radio station, Mr Kwasi Agyei, (Pirus), manager of Sky Fm who was supposed to deliver a farewell message to his workers surprisingly said it was an 'April Fool's' prank.

He explained that the event was to see how people cherished the station, and added that the prank was planned a week to 1st April with the help of his Programmes manager, Ike Frimpong who kept it from about 80% of his workers.

"I had to ignore calls from my friends and family when the prank got on air", Mr Agyei told Sky news Editor, Kwaku Henryson Okrah on Monday.

Currently, people in the region have not recovered from the shock of the joke but the network is broadcasting in the English language.

The flagship programme, The Big Breakfast show hosted by Kofi Oppong Asamoah is doing well as well as the Urban groves and Ike Frimpong's 'Busy Drive'.
Sky FM flyer showing new programmes.

Check below some of the reactions when the news broke on the "April Fool's Day"


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