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Do Not Love Me So Much Episode 125--126 Update on Monday 8th May 2017

The episode starts with Neil and Ragini chatting in lawn. Their children watch it and discuss that their chemistry is still on. Nishi says they should reunite them. Suhani says what about Aman then. Agam jokes that they will get him sanyas and laughs.

Ragini taunts Neil that he does not know how to handle children and gives him moral gyaan. Aman comes for a walk, sees them chatting and thinks they must be fighting again, so he should not disturb them and goes to a lawn for a walk in dark. Neil sees his shadow and says Ragini that he saw a thief. They both go and hide and he asks Ragini to bring some rod. She goes and brings from kitchen. He sees Aman moving forward and backward and tells that theif must have forgotten why he came here. She asks him to catch thief instead of lecture. Once Aman comes, she hits his head and he wraps him in bedhseet.

Whole family gathers. Agam asks if he should call police. Neil says yes. Badi Naani starts shouting to beat britisher. Sunny tai gets her road and she hits Aman lightly. RanbirK takes rod from her and starts beating Aman. Karan comes and says RK is coming to give them surprise and they must have hit him thinking of thief. RK comes just then. Karan asks who is this then. Everyone shout thief and try to hit Aman, but Beil stops them and asks to let us see who it is. He removes bedsheet and everyone are shocked to see Aman. Neil says Ragini hit him. Sunny sprinkles water on Aman and he wakes up with bruised face asking where is he. Neil says Ragini hit him and says he was thinking of marrying Ragini, so she hit him. They all take him in.

Ragini gives him turmeric milk. Neil apologizes him and asks what was he doing in dark. Aman says he came for a walk, but saw them fighting, so went in dark thinking of not to disturb him. He says they stopped their fight early today. Neil asks why was he going in via window. RK says he came in via window to surprise them. Aman asks even then instead of calling police, why did they beat him. Neil says Ragini hit him with rod and Agam and Ranbir next, not him. He asks Agam to show footage. Agam says he uploaded it in social media. Sunny says it got 100 likes already. Aman asks if his face is seen. Ragini asks everyone to stop joking on him. Everyone apologize. Jignesh asks Aman since he met him, he always saw hjim trouble, is he having kundali trouble. Nishi laughs loudly. Aamn says only Jignesh can make Nishi laugh. Neil gets emotional and walks from there.

RK asks Karan if he has food as he is feeling hungry. Dimpy says because of him, Aman is hit and asks him to stop giving surprises. Karan asks him to freshen up while he prepares sandwich for him.
Badi naani sees Neil in lawn and calls him. He makes her sit and says she would have called him instead of coming all the way. Badi naani asks if he is feeling bad as he could not hit thief. He says his fate is so ill that he cannot harm anyone. He says last time he came here for nishi and Jignesh’s marriage, but this time he came to reunite them. He sadly continues that his and Ragini’s relationship cannot be sorted out now. Even if he cuts his head and keeps it in front of her, she does not believes him. He says how can Ragini think of Aman when he is still alive. He always comes back in hope of reuniting, but does not. He starts shedding tears and says he is telling her as she cannot remember anything. She says he is her son and she can understand his pain. She cannot forget him and Ragini at all and they will plan something.

RK enjoys Karan’s prepared sandwich and praises him. Karan says everyone praises his food except Dimpy. RK says she does not know taste. Karan says she is a monkey. Dimpy comes and asks who is monkey. RK says they were talking about tigress whom she is. Dimpy says she heard their conversation and asks Karan to come in to room, she will teach him a lesson. Karan tells RK because of him, he is getting punished and leaves. RK sees Neil roaming around and asks what is he doing at this time. Neil says he was talking to badi naani and they both start chatting. RK asks about Pam. Neil says she is alone in US. RK gets emotional.

Jignesh sees Ragini in kitchen and thanks her for calling him. She says she did her job and now it is his turn to convince Nishi. He asks where is she going with milk. She says to give it to Nishi. He says he will give it and takes it from her.
Precap: Ragini informs Suhani, Agam, and Ranbir that Nishi is not pregnant. They are shocked to hear that.
The episode starts with Dimpy reaching Karan and Dimpy’s house and asking about RK. He says RK and Karan/Dimpy have gone to farm house. She thinks what if Devika also went with RK. She asks who else went with them. Servant says he does not and will call and get info. She says she has phone and will call herself. He asks if she needs anything. She orders black coffee.

Jignesh sees Nishi sneezing with cold and asks her to have medicine. She asks him to keep away and says she gets gastric trouble with cold medicine. He asks her to do something as he cannot see her suffering. She asks him to stop being melodramatic and get brandy from RK. He asks why brandy. She says she will feel good and asks him to go right now.
He asks what about milk Ragini gave. She asks him
to drink himself. He says he already had one glass. She asks him to finish one more. She finishes and goes to bar.

At bar, he sees Karan, RK, and Neil there. Karan taunts that he came to the wrong place and can get his milk from kitchen. Jignesh says he needs brandy. They are shocked to hear that. Neil asks from when did he start drinking. He says he does not and then says he was not, but now drinks. RK gives him brandy bottle and asks him to have it here. He says he cannot drink in front of elders, especially papa. RK asks him to take soda. Jignesh says he will take it from fridge. Neil asks him to control his drinking. Jignesh says he will and runs from there. Karan says sasur had started alcohol because of Ragini and now damad is drinking because of Nishi, he says his family women are very dangerous. RK says even he agrees.

Karthik and Suhani get into their romantic talks. She says she will go and sleep before papa sees them. He says she is right and they both part ways. She goes to sleep next to nishi and is shocked to see brandy bottle next to her. She thinks how can she drink when she is pregnant and thinks of informing someone. She goes to Karthik’s room and sees him sleeping next to Aman wearing blanket. She tries to wake him up and removes blanket, but sees legs instead.

She wakes up Aman by mistake. Aman asks her to wake up Karthik instead as he cannot even move. She then wakes up karthik, takes him out and informs that Nishi is drunk brandy. He says it is very harmful for the baby. Jignesh sees them and asks what are they doing at this time. They say they came to drink water. He says at the begging everyone loves talking, then they start fighting, etc. and he gets emotional. Suhani asks if he is fine. He says yes and goes to pick water. Suhani says Jignesh is good guy and will bad if she knows nishi took liquor.

They both go to Agam, Ranbir’s room and sees Sunny tai playing cards with Agam. Ranbir asks why are they together at this time. Suhani says they were going to sleep, but she saw brandy bottle next to Nishi and she is sure she drunk it. Agam asks what is a big deal. Karthik says alcohol is harmful for baby. Sunny thinks she has to inform truth to children. They all go out, see Ragini and Neil and inform that Nishi has drunk brandy. Neil says he gave it to Jignesh. Agam asks why did he give it to him. Ragini interferes and says Nishi is a modern girl and drinks occasionally. Agam asks why in pregnancy. Ragini reveals that they are not pregnant.

They are shocked to hear that. Neil informs that Nishi tried to suicide and even wants to separate with Jignesh, so he came here to stop it. Ranbir says they were loving each other so much and now want to separate. Ragini says she is trying her best to reunite them. Agam says mom and dad should cooperate in their plan to reunite them. Neil says Nishi is his daughter and he can do anything for her. Agam says then let us plan together.
Precap: Ragini asks Neil to bring medicine for Aman. He asks if she will bring medicine for his fiancee. She stands silently.

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